The Babylonian Fire Star


     “A star that keenest 

of all blazes 

with a searing flame 

and him men call 

Seirios. When he rises 

with Helios (the Sun), 

no longer do the 

trees deceive him 

by the feeble 

freshness of 

their leaves. 

For easily with 

his keen glance 

he pierces their ranks, 

and to some 

he gives strength 

but of others 

he blights 

the bark utterly. 

Of him too 

at his setting 

are we aware.”
– Aratus, Phaenomena 328 ff (trans. Mair) (Greek astronomical poem C3rd B.C.)
For the Egyptians the rising of Sirius was essential, marking the inundation of the Nile and the start of a new year. The Fire Star is one of the stars in the Babylonian A Prayer to Gods of the Night (circa 1700 BC)


A very refreshing musing was shared in the link below:

πŸ“ŒRecently unearthed in Egypt πŸ€“

2 thoughts on “The Babylonian Fire Star

  1. Mehjabin, your poetry is just amazing and has that hidden depth of feeling which pulls the reader into the piece making them surrender to every word you have written.
    You are in my eyes a great writer with a great deal more to say.
    I will keep in touch.


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