

Turn over the leaf
There is a new star,
Shining in my corner of the sky.
It tells me tales of distant sonnets
Where the daisy blooms only for the bee,
And the honey leaves a tantalizing aftertaste in the mouth.
Nothing cowardly demurred by resentments…

©copyright Mehjabin Shahed
8 th February 2016


Purport purity pursuing prodigious pyromaniac
Hopeful hiss hitherto hitch hoasting hoax
Orienting orificing opinions observant obsequies
Elemental edifices elaborated effusions elbowing effrontery
Nosegay nostalgia nonpareil nescient nonce
Imbue incense incautiously inbred impervious impermanent incarnations
Xylophones xeroxing xenophobia xenons

Reposting that the phoenix is a magical bird that reads memories and its tears have healing powers.

©Copyright 2012 Mehjabin Shahed



Turn over the leaf
There is a new star,
Shining in my corner of the sky.
It tells me tales of distant sonnets
Where the daisy blooms only for the bee,
And the honey leaves a tantalizing aftertaste in the mouth.
Nothing cowardly demurred by resentments…

©copyright Mehjabin Shahed
8 th February 2016



When thee shall borne teeth,
I shall smile.
Thee shall walk on all fours,
I will be watching.
Next, thee shall stumble taking your first step,
I will be your shadow.
My princess, I shall put your feet on mine
And we shall Waltz.
I will tie your ribbons.

Best Man
Best Man

Darling I shall guard your heart from all your suitors
Then one day I will recognize your knight in shining armour,
His love dazzling in your eyes.
Afterwards I will walk you down the aisle,
And step behind to be your best man.

©Mehjabin Shahed
22nd September 2012





#dragon #egg #caferati #peace
#dragon #egg #caferati #peace


In a city of echoes
Hold me, I’m drowning
Scream my name for I can’t hear myself
And I haven’t learned how to swim.

Stranded in a cult of images
These souls never come in front
But oh they send mesmerizing memories
And projection of reflections they owe.

If this is madness, then this is serene
I fear how powerful this shall be
Somebody is playing music in the garret
It must be the old piano.

And sip with nymphs, their elemental tea…

©Copyright 2010 Mehjabin Shahed

Mathews 16 : 18

Give me a scar, and I’ll make love out of it!

The Sermon ~
“Politics had indulged in our blood such intoxicating aligning that it seemed sheer poetry.”

U.S.A (CIA, NASA) had bought so much oil from the Arabs that the Moors could not apostate. Hence, my akik (garnet of Islamic faith) from American cajoling croaked a Veto ! The crocodiles swallowed no more, they wanted our waters.
Nature is kind though, our natural gas won Soviet Union ten fields: – these species had aeronautically maneuvered nuclear power ~ to the fore armoured the sheath and speeched:

You may blow it, but I can grip it. Tanushka, its Russian meaning “white like cotton” is my second nickname. When I bestow, you will not be able to deny ~ correct me if I’m wrong.
Equal or no match, but you are moron if you ever advertise your banal gun, of which ever make. Chevy?

Life reminds you your relationships with you friends in co-incidences, music, memories ~ nostalgia is the best spell for a lonely moment, the hourglass will be turned over again and then new memories will be loomed.
The chatterbox, my greedy spoilt complements contemplate, often submissive machining echoes of reflections embrace criticism. Then, I’m impossible again. The moon disguising summons croquets amidst censures try inflict a pang of stillness, I abide.
Time spent lavishly croak, so I chair the order, it pays to impose a little order even in these wild games of imagination. We date our mistakes, ashamed dirty face learn experiencing to make amends ~ ‘Sorry, I was wrong’ ~ truth. So then, the padding will underline puns in your conscience.
“How could you” – my question in your answer.
“And now, how will you make it up to me again? Mentor, who is thy deciphel, pray tell.”

(P.S An experiential guide to “From the Vault”)

©Mehjabin Shahed
20th August 2012




Jangle jamboree junketing jejune jeopardy jazz
Oust omens ossifying ostracism
Rummage regnant rumours ruffling rustic rites
Sanctions sanctimonious sameness scourge sedition
Imbroglio imbibed imparting immemorial imbue
Maudlin mime masked mots marooning menacing memoirs

A lattice becomes kaleidoscopic if it is prone to karma.

Abetting my algorithm derived canisters that chairing memory space to optimize bytes is a cannibal cannonade to Pope Paul VI’s prophetic document, Humanae Vitae(1968). Not every two frame of mind think in sameness, pun intended!
I believe contrapuntal variables have to be declared, so that more than defined options are available for best combination abiding best practice.
Coalescing concepts ( The Power of Now, Celestine Prophecy ), nothing exists without the now. The key to overcoming conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is available to everyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, allow yourself to be filled with a sense of love. For minds deciphering philosophy, no such assurance was required; but for those unaccustomed to the tone of a subject in which agreement is necessarily rarer than esteem, it seemed desirable to record what to others would be a matter of course. Quoting Bertrand Russell, “Pragmatism assumes that humility will give us the meaning of truth and falsehood,” inkling that man today is instituted by history. We can be categorized by our characteristics, but not for similar consequences which can build energy riding a steady stream of intuitions, dreams, and synchronistic coincidences, all guiding you in the direction of your own evolution and transformation.
In Boolean language, besieging electronic intelligence abbreviate its requirements on the C Drive, fundamentals and theorems would ignore the grammar of any creed. It is illegitimate to impregnate a magnetic chip alias identification incarcerate all our anchoring shackles, we need to breathe if circuits alien_ reposting, no burial ground alleges buoy of one epitaph only. Calculators have ruled out log books and slide rules, the unnerving rush arises allegorical alliance of alleviating other armaments.

J.D Salinger ~

“Something else an academic education will do for you. If you go along with it any considerable distance, it will begin to give you an idea what size mind you have. After a while, you’ll have an idea what kind of thoughts your particular size mind should be wearing. What it will fit, may be what it won’t.”

Source: Catcher in The Rye

(N.B. I landed with a compartment in my CBSCE chemistry exam, my mother is a Masters in Chemistry from DU.)

2nd March 2012

©Mehjabin Shahed
imagememoirs rustfrei

British Parliament Proposed

Padma Bridge
NOC 2012

House of Commons
British Parliament
Subject : Akashic Field internal milieu and their niches goes beyond the coherence.
Navigation logistics coalesce ethers to make amendments engineering alkyl Versace buttons EPR pairs arresting my wish avariced by cupidity.
In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect,
Whole and complete, and yet life is ever
There is no beginning and no end,
only a constant cycling and recycling
of substance and experiences.
Life is never stuck or static or stale,
For each moment is ever new and fresh.
I am one with the very power that created me
And this power
Has given me the power to create my own
I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the
Of my own mind to use in any way I
Every moment of my life is a new
beginning point
as we move from the old. This moment is a new
of beginning for me right here and right now.
All is well in my world
From :
P. O. Shamshernagar
Dist. Moulvibazar
Md. Rafiqul Huda
Duncan Brothers
Thank you Sirs, much obliged. I have had the privilege to brew him some Srilankan green tea, I have had acquired this hard copy xeroxed probably from the Bible from Sister Catherine and Brother Ronald CSC ©Mehjabin Shahed
Bashundhara R/A
Dhaka 1229
18th January 2013

Akashic Field Traditions ~ ©mihi🌏