
D- drop your hair so it falls down numb on your face,

I- intermingled intimately with your true visage,

S- showing tardily from underneath whatever it is you feel,

C- care not my disco Muslima let them imitate,

O- On a rainy day as it pour cats and dog,

M- Mehjabin, courageously Mount towards your stage,

U- under an umbrella or not,does it count? your disco shades it all,

S- so shine across all worlds and let emotions flood thy face,

L- love all you can sugarplum your disco heart can’t break,

I- inkling smiles all through, make the entire city quake,

M- my disco Muslima flaunt it all like time hold not your fate,

A- An acrostic text to my disco muslima your art Is what you make.

©️Omar Mustapha