Sagittarius Solar Eclipse

Full Solar Eclipse

A New Moon Solar Eclipse ignites early in the morning on December 4th 2:43 AM / 5:29am GMT on 12° Sagittarius, a fire & mutable sign ruled by Jupiter, when the Moon will pass between the Earth and Sun and cast a shadow on the Sun which in some parts of the world will darken the Sun. This has in ancient traditions been an auspicious time and Eclipses truly bring major shifts.


This eclipse in conjunction with the South Node of the Moon transiting through the last degree of Gemini and Sagittarius is conjunct the Great Attractor and will be marking a cosmic reset – freedom from officially closed karmic cycles and lessons unravelling what has expired for you, thence shifts energies in a new direction and offers an amplification of new light downloads coming on to the planet. In this new start, we will be rising from the ashes that the South Node (the point of dissolution) dissolved with its blazing fire.

The Sagittarius Moon will reach out to its ruling planet Jupiter in Aquarius connecting to future potentials that your future self is already experiencing. Mercury is traveling with the Sun and connects with the New Moon concluding an 18 month cycle of eclipses in the Gemini/ Sagittarius axis which began on May 2020 initiating cycle that will last for approximately eight years.

We are all moving out of the intensity of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19th.

Eclipses are like 3 new moons in one with a very potent energy.

This total Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Sagittarius is the last Solar Eclipse of the year and will be visible from Antarctica. The southern tip of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand can also see partial phases of the eclipse.

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