And Romeo Thought Juliet Never Waited

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

The wrong way says:
hi there
Wryl says:

The wrong way says:
The wrong way says:
who are you again?
The wrong way says:
ok..let me check the profile
Wryl says:
u dont have a prf
The wrong way says:
nope, apparantly not..hehe
The wrong way says:
The wrong way says:
right..we’ve talked before..
Wryl says:
yes romeo
The wrong way says:
The wrong way says:
says who i’m the romeo?
Wryl says:
well romeo thought juliet didnot wait
Wryl says:
so did u
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
i never gave up my hopes on you
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
that’d be jumping to conclusions
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
this juliet seems to be one rather enchanting..
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
but full of indifference…as far as my eloquence permits me
Wryl says:
what colour is a dream
Wryl says:
enduring all things with a deeper meaning and reveal mysteries that always threaten the secure tranquility of simple and ingenous things
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
you put them words down nice…i tell you
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
but dreams are colorless
Wryl says:
banal creatures donot know that several lifetimes can be lived in an instance
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
you assign the colors, with your senses you paint the mauve sinisterness of your dreamscape
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
time is only a frame of disillusionment that your temporal existance covets
Wryl says:
slipped into a world where speculation is the mother tongue
Wryl says:
a familiar ragged story
Wryl says:
how would you know
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
and proof is obscene
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
only to be told by a finkish hobo
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
i don’t know, i just presume
Wryl says:
in what appears to be a sudden rush of insight_they are convinced they can read a life in a face
Wryl says:
even in these games of imagination it pays to impose a lil order
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
life is not to be read, insights, merely blemishes in the face of societal judgment, and it’s tyranny of baser instincts that mirrors your innate
Wryl says:
and wonder thru the wilderness of stories
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
hand in hand, as the rotten daisies under our feet wither away
Wryl says:
an ancient ivory framed mirror glints obediently
Wryl says:
reveals impatience
Wryl says:
reassurin that there is nothin in the world
Wryl says:
real or imagined
Wryl says:
which it cannot reflect
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
wicked moonlight only shining the white of the ivories..reminding you of the poaching of your self…to the surreal we all bow
Wryl says:
or which it cant stretch and distort
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
to its inefficacy is sudden its delirium
Wryl says:
white, the colour of death
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
pale, the color of life…the fine line is only finer when you are myopic
Wryl says:

Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:

Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
i have to leave
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
it was nice talking to you..
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
we’ll do it again sometime
Wryl says:
Wryl says:

Wryl says:
now that time is endin
Wryl says:
its love that im sendin to u
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
don’t let the silly dove spy on you in the orphan drizzle of dawn
Wryl says:
but it was a soft nite
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
and with the honor i take it, the same is returned, for it’s neither i am worthy of, nor what i want
Evasive tranquility and my catharsis says:
it could have been broken with the wingstroke of a 3 minute old chick
Wryl says:
willin to nurse a wounded soul with memories, words and fingers


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