Celebrating Emotions 

Well the masquerade was over, where it was cursed by the moon in the reflection of jealousy masking the thirst for healing. Souls herded by osmosis raptures in the opaque precipitate of insights opening the doors to shackled insecurities.

            Omne, so Hera desired the sacrifice of my faith ~ thus with love I pray she will be able to nullify the lifeless laborers from perishing in that construction that was architecture foundation  which lashed whips on their souls. This regime suffocated their reform, refused regeneration.

            I had begged for the shift in the light in the meadow as though the sun had been behind a cloud and then suddenly peeked out, illuminating that specific area. The clouds came down for me to voice its statue. At that moment a wind came up and it began to snow heavily, obscuring the awareness of the pilgrims.

            The synchronistic process helped lives monitor themselves and extend description of air to those who Ever live in water. Hence, I offered my blood encased on a patch of satin to wrap the dagger of Innana and insulate fatigue.

            Every cell of life tended to reproduce itself, but sustained their vibrancy and learn the prayer extensions, not reduce life to the ordinary. But often the process becomes antagonistic, where communication skills were ulterior and silent.

            The myths and legends consoled the apostating complements only in hour glasses. Then the choking smoke perplexed one of them pushing what looked like a huge iron lung, only it was bigger and standing on tall, wide legs, apparently so that it could be rolled up over some one who was lying in a bed. The machinist was not a doctor, but only a technician, the perfusionist.

            Thought must be mastered, dislodging a narrow opening to which was after all a cave. Struggle forward through melodious human cries that reverberated through the body, bringing forth an inner warmth and euphoria. I was told there was knowledge here that is needed, the prayer-fields helps us find our part to play in this evolution. Accept the mysteries of existence to focus entirely on spiritual evolution, on the life process itself, and now set the expectation into your prayer-field.

            Pioneers deduce from history that each religious institution is like an inflexible roadblock on the path of progress. Each wars the other to complete the expression.

            And round about the throne set in heaven I saw elders sitting, and I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ~ reposting that the magical phoenix cried tears which had healing powers.


©Copyright 2012 Mehjabin Shahed

8th August  

Photo ©Copyright Easel Mortuza®

“Enlightened In The Backseat Of A Taxicab” by Tony Haynes 

“Enlightened In The Backseat Of A Taxicab”
A taxi that picked me up

T he other day

H ad a driver-slash-philosopher behind the wheel

E fficient were his driving skills

I t was his down-to-earth branded

S piritual style

T hat made my trek through town worthwhile
B ecause he taught me to let go and to cling

E verything is God and God is every thing

L ife is more than one time, and once I travel through

I f I connect with God, then I connect with you

E ndless times I’d heard but never spoke up

V erses were too high for me to grab

E ndless nights I slept, I finally woke up…
…Enlightened in the backseat of a cab  ©Copyright 2012 Tony Haynes https://lnkd.in/eAMiEyf https://www.facebook.com/tony.haynes/posts/10150970503262569

Amor Ekushe 

Amor Ekushe in my father’s eyes…
Spoken in Mother Tongue

by Mehjabin Shahed on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 4:09am ·

Heralds of the final customs and hourglass rituals that transfixes desirous extolled in bizarre vigilant personifications.

            I beg to pronounce my soul’s thirst for education in the strictest expression of necessity, my plea for empowering devotions of my flawless loyalty, thus allowing me a breath of naïve innocence again.

            I am the heir of a freedom fighter of the victory which declared today as “International Language Day” _ a tittle in the written history of time, the legends in a consortium that groomed belief in the freedom of speech, voicing thoughts unadulterated, affections veiled in musical chocolate boxes: verbose seam embedding faith ordained in truth.

            Less I am profoundly insane, blinded by my mother’s illumine effectuation and lionized eminence, here birds sing.

©Copyright 2012 Mehjabin Shahed

  21st February 2012


Awaiting darkness asservates as sunset ascends,

Assiduity of daylight alleviates in assimulating arid assunders,

Abundant adroit illumine to replenish the appraisal is outshined!

Announced aspects arbitrated atonal apotheosis archives

Articulating bright azure only ordained armistice.

Austic denial of myths about arcane night’s augur

Aversion from acknowledging its aquiline lynch.

Anonymous atropine fanatics astir awing astral atelier azimuth.

Aught atypical adhere to asepsis safety of serene apse awning

Awash apace asleep amidst apsis.
©Copyright 2004 Mehjabin Shahed 


Amidst a mother’s devoted musical cajoles to her child,

Lies a secret dungeon in a level not ordinary;

There she will passionately kill to protect her beloved,

Where she might slay her beloved grasping to survive.


The first archive is abundant in the infamous caves!

It is the second that can only be courted in mirages,

Unorthodox call it some may in the denounced cities and deserts,

But it is the truth that lies in the infinite lap of skies.


Life itself patched obediently glinting obligatory practicality,

Salvation often sought in dominating by engineering others wills;

This tyranny succumbs the most ivory personalities:

Reality strangles a suffocating breath to deny all ethically humble ideals.


©Copyright 2009 Mehjabin Shahed



alight unfurling enfolds 

mineable apathies in empathy 

rendered succumbing hiccups 

earthbound emancipation envelops

stutters story stealth.
knotted smoke driftingly cleansed 

said the written space 

learnt lessons later 

conditioned between time 

might I maimed breath.



©Copyright 2017 Mehjabin Shahed 

Scroll or megillah with the Book of Esther.